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Basic HTML tags for styling your Posts

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Basic HTML tags

Knowing the basic html tags is great for any blogger to know. You can greatly improve the overall look and feel of your post with a few simple tags.
A “tag” is a bit of code that is put into the text editor of the site to tell the browser how to display what is contained within them.

The basic format of a tag is:

to start use the “<" (less than sign, or opening carrot) then insert the "tag" your using and then use the ">” (greater than sign, or closing carrot).
to end use the “<" followed by the "/" (slash) then insert the same "tag" that you started with then use the ">“.

Basic HTML Formatting Tags

This tag will make the text <b>bold</b>.
This tag will make the text bold.

This tag visually makes the text <strong>bold</strong> as well.
This tag visually makes the text bold as well.
* Note * The difference with this tag is that if a text reader is being used the text within these tags will be spoken with strong emphasis.

<center>This centers text and media contained within the tags. [image]</center>
This tag centers text and media contained within the tags.
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This tag will <u>underline</u> the text.
This tag will underline the text.

This tag will write the text in <i>italics</i>.
This tag will write the text in italics.

This tag adds <em>emphasis</em> visually with italics.
This tag adds emphasis visually with italics.
* Note * The difference between italic and emphasis tags is that the emphasis tag will ensure that a text reader will read the text within the tags using emphasis.

This tag <strike>strikes through</strike> text.
This tag stricks through text.

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